Literature project

The project on English and Spanish literature in the first half of the twentieth century was officially started in October.

During the first term, the students have been gathering information in the wiki and writing about Spanish theatre, Valle Inclán (in Spanish), English literature and George Bernard Shaw (in English).
One activity left in order to finish with this this part about Theatre, a dubbing of one of the scenes of the film "My fair lady", a musical based upon Shaw's Pygmalion.
I'll let you know how it goes!

Our main aims?

Basically, we would like our students to:
  • get to know some of the most important writers from 1900 to 1950 in depth
  • have a better knowledge of the Web 2.0 and the new tools that can be used successfully in teaching and learning. (wikis, blogs etc)
  • practise reading and writing skills

A blog was also created where to post their final outcomes.
Would you fancy paying them a visit?. Your comments and feedback will be welcome.
Proyecto de literatura hispano-inglesa

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