My students' works

I promised my students to post here some of the activities they did last May. We had just about a month to work on the Webquest How did women live in Middle Ages? and be able to take part in Educared awards.
Nearly all the students in my two Bachillerato groups volunteered for the project. They did a good job and made a great effort, bearing in mind that they were preparing exams at the same time.
It was also a pleasure for us to work with Mar Gallego, Isabel Alonso and with Francisco Ponce, whose students created a wiki and did some treasure hunts in French related to the same topic.
It has been one of the most rewarding and positive experiences I've ever had. Collaboration, cooperation, creative learning, teamwork , contributions, enthusiasm... made us success in making a difference in our classes.

How women lived in Middle Ages

Música: Amazing Gracêb, por Adagrante, vía Jamendo

Middle Ages clothing

Música: les cordes de l'âme por, Adagrante, vía jamendo

Cooking Medieval recipes

Música: Bleuved Nébéleg, por Adragante , vía Jamendo

Middle Ages Women blog. The whole project.

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2 Responses to My students' works

  1. isabel says:

    Saludos ana y mi admiración por tu docencia y mi felicitación a tu alumnado por tenerte y saber participar. ¡Ojalá el modelo se hiciera extensivo, compañera¡

    Un abrazo

    isabel alonso

  2. Muchas gracias, Isabel.
    A ver si conseguimos entre todos, granito a granito, que este nefasto sistema educativo vaya cambiando.

    Un lujo tenerte por aquí.
    Otro abrazo

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