A day off

On Wednesday, we're visiting Gibraltar. It will be great to have a day off and recharge batteries before the final exams get started.
We will have enough time to have fun and also do a workproject about our visit.
The project will consist of asking people some questions concerning Gibraltar and life over there.
Later on, with the information gathered in the interviews and your pictures, you will prepare a brief presentation and present it to your classmates.
In the end, we will talk about your opinion and impression on the trip.
-You have a great opportunity to practise your English, don't miss it!.
- Be polite and respectful towards Gibraltarian people.

Enjoy the trip!
One more thing, be careful with the monkeys!

Thanks to my friends, Chío and Mariví, for sharing their materials with me.

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2 Responses to A day off

  1. Jorge says:

    El viaje ha estado genial genial de verdad, nos ha venido muy bien un respiro entre tanto exámen,y sin duda, para todos nosotros ha sido una experiencia magnífica. Hacía ya mucho que no me lo pasaba tan tan bien!!Gracias por contar con nosotros!!

    Un abrazo

  2. Hola Jorge,
    me alegro un montón de que os lo pasárais tan bien.La verdad es que echamos un día estupendo.
    Soy yo quien debe daros las gracias por venir y participar en todas las actividades que se proponen.Es un placer para mí poder contar con vosotros.

    Un abrazo

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