I've been rather tied up lately. First, I've been working on the blog on Spanish and English literature. Second, finishing an online course about Moodle. Besides, I've become involved in an interesting project on this specific Webquest, How did women live in the Middle Ages ?.
My students from 1st Bachillerato and I will be working on it all this month long and as they don't know anything about Webquests, I've prepared this presentation for them and of course, for anyone who is interested in this useful "technique for Internet-based learning".
My students from 1st Bachillerato and I will be working on it all this month long and as they don't know anything about Webquests, I've prepared this presentation for them and of course, for anyone who is interested in this useful "technique for Internet-based learning".
Estamos haciendo un homenaje a Mario Benedetti en un wiki creado para ello. Tú participaste en el recordatorio de Ángel González y nos ha parecido que igualmente quieras colaborar. El wiki, por si quieres visitarlo está en HOMENAJE A MARIO BENEDETTI. Será un placer para nosotros contar con tu participación. Un abrazo.
Muchas gracias por contar conmigo y el placer es mío.
¿Cómo no voy a participar en un homejane a uno de mis poetas favoritos?
Un abrazo